Friday June 29, 2012, Dawat e Islami have not taken their complaint back. Abdul Rasheed Motiwala again told the owner to not renew our lease on any condition, therefore the owner has told us to give the keys, and he is not willing to reconsider. We tried to sit and communicate and resolve the issue, but Dawat e Islami refused to listen. It’s painful and agonizing to say Noor Academy is going to close on June 30, 2012. The support Noor Academy has gotten is tremendous. We wanted to recognize and say to each and every person, woman, man, teenager, and child that has not only supported and called, but those who prayed, did dua, or even with the click of a mouse shared or liked on Facebook, this is the light for your grave, the treasure for you on the Day of Judgment, and by supporting Noor Academy you have followed the sunnat of Imam Hussain, to stand up for right, and defeat injustice. May Allah give you uncountable reward. May Allah give Dawat e Islami hidayat. We won’t forget your support and your help; it is the sole reason of why Noor Academy has been here for this long.
6317 N. Ridge Ave. Chicago, IL 60660
(773) 764-2583 Noor Academy
Noor Academy is being forced to shut down on June 30, 2012 unless the Dawat-e-Islami Center head Abdul Rasheed Motiwala decides to take his false complaint back from the Land Lord.
The Owner of the property was contacted with by the Dawat e Islami Center to shut down Noor Academy in February 2012. The owner then refused to sign the lease because of the false complaint. We tried to sit down with the members of the Dawat e Islami Center, but they refused to listen. When we asked them about the complaints and how we can resolve them, they refused to answer. They have refused to communicate with us, and have told women to boycott Noor Academy. We contacted the owner again, and the owner was agreeing to renew the lease if Abdul Rasheed Motiwala just called and said the issue was resolved. The Dawat e Islami Center itself is not bad; just a few members are creating the conflict.
Noor Academy is a place for Sunni women and girls. It aids these women to gain knowledge of their religion. It is one of the few all-women Sunni Academies in Chicago and has been running for a little over a year now. It’s agonizing to say Noor Academy will close on June 30, 2012.
Noor Academy will ask you to help us in getting a new place, but as you know moving to a new place is not easy. Until then break the silence and make every one realize. Noor Academy has never damaged anyone it has only benefited society. There are many girls that have started to wear the Hijab, many girls have stopped wearing Nail Polish, and there are so many achievements you can see, and it’s only been a year. Noor Academy is more than just an institute to young girls it had become a part of our family, our hopes, our dreams, our life. So by closing Noor Academy you are proving you can crush the dreams and hopes of an Islamic education for young girls. We need your support. You, the people, have helped Noor Academy with donations, but now it’s time to show support by walking hand in hand for Noor Academy.
Call and Show your support. All it takes is a little time, but makes a big difference.
(847) 204 7778 Abdul Rasheed Motiwala (Dawat e Islami)
(847) 800 3865 Saeed Chaudhary (Dawat e Islami)
(773) 274 3100 Tariq (Urdu Times)
(847) 475 1555 Sunday 10 - 12 p.m. (Radio 1590)
(773) 764-2583 Noor Academy
Noor Academy is being forced to shut down on June 30, 2012 unless the Dawat-e-Islami Center head Abdul Rasheed Motiwala decides to take his false complaint back from the Land Lord.
The Owner of the property was contacted with by the Dawat e Islami Center to shut down Noor Academy in February 2012. The owner then refused to sign the lease because of the false complaint. We tried to sit down with the members of the Dawat e Islami Center, but they refused to listen. When we asked them about the complaints and how we can resolve them, they refused to answer. They have refused to communicate with us, and have told women to boycott Noor Academy. We contacted the owner again, and the owner was agreeing to renew the lease if Abdul Rasheed Motiwala just called and said the issue was resolved. The Dawat e Islami Center itself is not bad; just a few members are creating the conflict.
Noor Academy is a place for Sunni women and girls. It aids these women to gain knowledge of their religion. It is one of the few all-women Sunni Academies in Chicago and has been running for a little over a year now. It’s agonizing to say Noor Academy will close on June 30, 2012.
Noor Academy will ask you to help us in getting a new place, but as you know moving to a new place is not easy. Until then break the silence and make every one realize. Noor Academy has never damaged anyone it has only benefited society. There are many girls that have started to wear the Hijab, many girls have stopped wearing Nail Polish, and there are so many achievements you can see, and it’s only been a year. Noor Academy is more than just an institute to young girls it had become a part of our family, our hopes, our dreams, our life. So by closing Noor Academy you are proving you can crush the dreams and hopes of an Islamic education for young girls. We need your support. You, the people, have helped Noor Academy with donations, but now it’s time to show support by walking hand in hand for Noor Academy.
Call and Show your support. All it takes is a little time, but makes a big difference.
(847) 204 7778 Abdul Rasheed Motiwala (Dawat e Islami)
(847) 800 3865 Saeed Chaudhary (Dawat e Islami)
(773) 274 3100 Tariq (Urdu Times)
(847) 475 1555 Sunday 10 - 12 p.m. (Radio 1590)