Rules and Regulations:
Rules for Students:
1. Cleanliness and tidiness of self, clothing, and the area around.
2. Nails should not be longer than the pores
3. Nails should not have Nail polish on them
4. Students should not have makeup on, kajal/surma is permitted.
5. Students should have their hair covered during class at all times
6. Shoes should be kept in the Shoe Rack.
7. Running, shouting and playing inside must be totally avoided.
8. Students who damage Noor Academy property i.e. breakage, graffiti will be expected to restore the property at their own expense.
9. Any damage to property must be reported to the Teachers of the class immediately.
10. Litter is a constant eyesore. Please have the respect and responsibility to put all trash, papers etc. in the trashcan provided.
11. Students are to report to the Teachers in charge if any serious problem or trouble occurs regarding themselves or others i.e. if someone is ill, serious injury etc.
12. Students should assemble in an orderly fashion during assembly.
Dress Code:
Although Noor Academy does not at this time have an assigned dress code or uniform, it is expected of each student to dress appropriately according to Islam and Shariah.
In Noor Academy discipline and good behavior is essential. Students must not use bad language, make rude comments or answer back to any member of staff & peers. Respect of all members of staff is of great importance.
The Islamic code of behavior will be required in Noor Academy.
Students who have good behavior will be awarded Certificates. A bronze/silver/gold certificate will be issued after collecting the appropriate amount of points.
Bronze Certificate – 15 points
Silver certificate – 25 points
Gold certificates – 40 points
Disciplinary Procedure:
Students who misbehave will go through the yellow and red slip procedure, which is:
1. 2 verbal warnings which will be recorded
2. 3 yellow slips will be issued
3. Parental phone contact and report card will be given to the student
4. Suspension issued with a red slip
Note: If a serious misconduct has taken place this procedure will not be followed. Upon consultation with the Principal, it may lead to expulsion.
Leave of Absence for students:
Attendance is very important at Noor Academy. If an event does occur that causes to be absent from class, it should be reported at least 1 day prior.
1. Appointments (doctors/dentist/hospital).
2. Personal serious illness.
3. Funeral of close relatives
4. Serious illness of parent, brother or sister.
1. Noor Academy exams will be carried out twice a year and reports will be sent to parents. (Mid-terms, and Finals)
2. Progression to the next year in Noor Academy is dependant on successfully passing the examinations.
Homework is regarded as an important part of the curriculum. It helps us to assess and monitor the progress of a pupil. We request all students to co-operate in this matter.
Cheating/Academic Dishonesty
Copying another person’s work, such as homework, class work, or a test, is a form of cheating.
The student will be subject to academic disciplinary action that may include loss of credit for
the work in question. Teachers who have reason to believe that a student has engaged in
cheating or other academic dishonesty will assess the academic penalty to be imposed.
Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary penalties.
Rules for Students:
1. Cleanliness and tidiness of self, clothing, and the area around.
2. Nails should not be longer than the pores
3. Nails should not have Nail polish on them
4. Students should not have makeup on, kajal/surma is permitted.
5. Students should have their hair covered during class at all times
6. Shoes should be kept in the Shoe Rack.
7. Running, shouting and playing inside must be totally avoided.
8. Students who damage Noor Academy property i.e. breakage, graffiti will be expected to restore the property at their own expense.
9. Any damage to property must be reported to the Teachers of the class immediately.
10. Litter is a constant eyesore. Please have the respect and responsibility to put all trash, papers etc. in the trashcan provided.
11. Students are to report to the Teachers in charge if any serious problem or trouble occurs regarding themselves or others i.e. if someone is ill, serious injury etc.
12. Students should assemble in an orderly fashion during assembly.
Dress Code:
Although Noor Academy does not at this time have an assigned dress code or uniform, it is expected of each student to dress appropriately according to Islam and Shariah.
In Noor Academy discipline and good behavior is essential. Students must not use bad language, make rude comments or answer back to any member of staff & peers. Respect of all members of staff is of great importance.
The Islamic code of behavior will be required in Noor Academy.
Students who have good behavior will be awarded Certificates. A bronze/silver/gold certificate will be issued after collecting the appropriate amount of points.
Bronze Certificate – 15 points
Silver certificate – 25 points
Gold certificates – 40 points
Disciplinary Procedure:
Students who misbehave will go through the yellow and red slip procedure, which is:
1. 2 verbal warnings which will be recorded
2. 3 yellow slips will be issued
3. Parental phone contact and report card will be given to the student
4. Suspension issued with a red slip
Note: If a serious misconduct has taken place this procedure will not be followed. Upon consultation with the Principal, it may lead to expulsion.
Leave of Absence for students:
Attendance is very important at Noor Academy. If an event does occur that causes to be absent from class, it should be reported at least 1 day prior.
1. Appointments (doctors/dentist/hospital).
2. Personal serious illness.
3. Funeral of close relatives
4. Serious illness of parent, brother or sister.
1. Noor Academy exams will be carried out twice a year and reports will be sent to parents. (Mid-terms, and Finals)
2. Progression to the next year in Noor Academy is dependant on successfully passing the examinations.
Homework is regarded as an important part of the curriculum. It helps us to assess and monitor the progress of a pupil. We request all students to co-operate in this matter.
Cheating/Academic Dishonesty
Copying another person’s work, such as homework, class work, or a test, is a form of cheating.
The student will be subject to academic disciplinary action that may include loss of credit for
the work in question. Teachers who have reason to believe that a student has engaged in
cheating or other academic dishonesty will assess the academic penalty to be imposed.
Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary penalties.